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This Reiki Training is being held on September 21st and 22nd of 2024. It will be held online via zoom. You will be sent worksheets for the training to print (if you're able) as well as a hard copy manual from the ICRT. Please confirm that your mailing address is written correctly (below), and complete this form as soon as possible so that we can ensure your manual arrives on time for the training.

Please check your understanding and agreement that you will be live and on camera during the hours of 9am to 6pm EST on Saturday September 21st and 9am and 2pm EST on Sunday September 22nd. It is vital that you are distraction free during these times and on camera at all times. This helps to create a sense of safety for other students and allows you to get the most out of this training.

Once you have completed this training you will officially be Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master Practitioner. You will have everything that you need to start teaching Level 1 and 2 Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki (online and in-person) and Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master classes (online and in-person). Once you begin teaching you will be able to use the title Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master Teacher.

If you are interested in furthering your training, Lindsay Anderson offers the following classes / containers to deepen your practice and leadership skills;

  • Holy Fire III Karuna Training Online

  • Reiki Teacher Mentorship: a three month container to help you prepare your classes, deepen your leadership authority and position yourself as the go-to teacher for this beautiful modality.

  • A Self-Led Reiki Training Portal: this portal has been part of Lindsay's Reiki Membership for two years. It has the ultimate blend of trainings to help you increase your abilities to provide intuitive sessions and build your connection to the reiki energy, as well as reiki activations, new and full moon circles and more!

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By signing below, you are agreeing to attend this training for the full weekend. You are also agreeing to be respectful of every student, to hold space with integrity and to show up as your most expansive and willing self. You agree to any and all terms of confidentiality and understand that there are no refunds in any scenario.

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