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the team

get to know your dream team


lindsay anderson

Founder & CEO

From Social Work burnout to Spiritual breakthrough and overnight CEO, Lindsay's journey here is full of synchronicity, alignment and major AHA moments. Her multi-six figure ceo experience lends beautifully to the leadership required to hold your biggest visions.


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bailey couture

Account Manager

A mom of three boys and longtime solo-preneur, Bailey has mastered both roles, showing that leadership and parenthood share the same DNA of care.

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amanda knull

Office Manager

Working every day to simplify her life <even downsizing to an RV!>, Amanda brings the fresh perspective and organizational skills that every business craves.

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our contract team

meet the exceptional humans we hire for specific project requests


check out this article our CEO, Lindsay wrote

all about how teamwork and synergy is the new paradigm of success

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